For your information, Emeka Ugwuonye, the Founder of DPA, has no current access to telephone or computers. Therefore, you cannot reach him directly by Facebook or phone and he cannot reach you either. So, if you receive any message on Facebook appearing to come from him, please consider the following possibilities:
1. It is a fake account using his name and pictures, especially if the message is the first message on your chat log with him.
2. There is an urgent need and one of his trusted aides managing his Facebook account in his absence is trying yo follow up on your case or existing matter. You should have been aware that the DPA Founder has for more than 2 years now had people who assisted him in managing his Facebook account. He needed help to handle the thousands of messages and notifications he received every week. So, it should not be strange to you that you may receive a message from his account without him being aware of such message.
3. If you want to know exactly the person you are dealing with or chatting with, always feel free to ask for a video call or a voice call. If the person does not agree to either, then you should not trust the communication. But never panic or raise alarm. Allow 24 hours to resolve your doubt.
Having said this, there should be no concern about the strength and good health of DPA in the absence of the Founder. Our Admins are ready and willing to to take DPA to a level where the Founder will be proud off. As you know, our intervention activities are moving on normally. One of our staff counsel arrived Abuja two days ago and will be meeting with the Founder today. The staff is now posted to Abuja. He will be based in Abuja in order to fast forward DPA operations in Abuja.
NOTE: All communications from or to Emeka Ugwuonye’s legitimate account are confidential and will be governed by standard rules of confidentiality regardless of the fact that you may be dealing with his aides. At the same time, we encourage you to keep your communications professional in form and content.